Event and News

The Blonde Interpreter – Part 3

Bath is a beautiful city, of which I fear I saw too little during my year on the MA Interpreting and Translation course at the University of Bath. My days began with a trek up the hill from the unive...

The Blonde Interpreter – Part 2

My second opportunity to go to Japan came in the fourth year of my undergraduate studies. Unlike the term in Japan in the first year, spending a year in Japan between the third and fourth years of th...

The Blonde Interpreter – Part 1

I’m a celebrity. At least, that is, according to my old Sunday school teacher, my drama teacher, my Dad’s financial adviser, or anyone from the village where I grew up. The reason for my sudden fame?...

[JIF2023] Between Composition and Translation

Photo: Tadayuki Minamoto Gregory Khezrnejat Author, literary researcher. Ph.D., Japanese literature (Doshisha University, 2017). Currently serving as associate professor at the Hosei University...


Ewandro Magalhaes Ewandro Magalhaes is a writer, former United Nations staff and a conference interpreter. He is also a TED author, a professor and a former Chief Interpreter in the UN system....

Japanese-English Subtitling Workshop #1

The Japan Association of Conference Interpreters collaborated with Rikkyo University to provide a special workshop (internship program from Nov. 2021 to Jan. 2022) on Japanese-English subtitling, tau...

[JITF2020] Patent Translation: First Steps

Thomas Kaiser Born and raised in Australia, Tom studied computer science and Japanese at the Australian National University, and first worked as a software engineer in the Australian Public Se...