[JITF2021] Interpreting Services Price Quotes for the New Normal

Judy Jenner
Judy Jenner is a Spanish and German business and legal translator and federally court-certified Spanish interpreter and conference interpreter in Las Vegas. She has an MBA in marketing and runs her boutique translation and interpreting business, Twin Translations, with her twin sister Dagmar. She serves as a spokesperson for the American Translators Association, writes the blog Translation Times, pens the “Entrepreneurial Linguist” column for The ATA Chronicle. She is the co-author of The Entrepreneurial Linguist: The Business-School Approach to Freelance Translation. She teaches interpretation at the University of California-San Diego and at her alma mater, the University of Nevada Las Vegas. Pre-pandemic, Judy used to fly a lot for her interpreting assignments and her special talent is (trying to) memorize airport codes. She’s a frequent keynote speaker at T&I conferences around the world (well, that ended in 2020), including events in Brazil, Norway, Sweden, Czech Republic, Germany, etc. Fun fact: Judy is a cold-water swimmer and did a polar bear plunge into the Baltic in Finland in December. Her interpreting claim to fame is having interpreted for then-presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Interpreting Services Price Quotes for the New Normal
The changing nature of our profession as well as COVID-19 have had a deep impact on the way conference interpreters deliver their services. While in 2019 it was the exception to provide remote simultaneous interpreting (RSI), in 2020 it quickly became the norm. It all happened very quickly, and as interpreters adapted and learned about technology while trying to retain and find more clients, we didn’t always update our price quotes to reflect the new realities. Who pays for the tech rehearsal? Who’s liable if the internet doesn’t work for the interpreters? And how should you handle recording fees? Join this session for quick and easy-to-implement tips on how to structure your price quotes to make sure you don’t leave any money on the table and to ensure your success in conference interpreting in the remote world during and after the pandemic. There will be plenty of time for Q&A, and the presenter will share examples (the good, the bad, the ugly) from her own experience.