[JITF2021] Sound Choices for RSI – How To Create Your Ideal Audio Setup

Naomi Bowman
Naomi Bowman is CEO of DS-Interpretation, Inc., a US-based conference interpreting services company that will be celebrating its 50th year in business in 2022. The company has been involved with remote interpreting since the early 1990s, including holding one of the earliest known RSI patents. She is renowned for her knowledge of remote simultaneous interpreting and new technology effects on the language industry and has spoken to AIIC and regional conference interpreter association audiences for many years on how to adapt to working in a new technology world. She works closely with language technology startups around the globe and is committed to upholding standards and improving working conditions. She is an official expert for remote interpreting for three ISO Technical Committee 37 Working Groups as well as being on the Committee for ASTM F43. She has written numerous articles on RSI for interpreters and since the onset of the pandemic, has held numerous “Coffee Chat” sessions for conference interpreters to help transition to the remote world. She has recently published The Interpreters Guide to Audio & Video with Josh Goldsmith of TechForward, an interpreter education organization based in Switzerland. Naomi earned her M.A. degree in International Relations in the U.K., has lived in 5 different countries, currently lives in Brussels and views herself as a global citizen.
Sound Choices for RSI – How To Create Your Ideal Audio Setup
Although there is an increasing trend towards a return to hybrid and on-site interpreting work, it is also clear that Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI), in some capacity, is here to stay. In a world of compromised internet sound, how can you create a setup at home to work effectively and also protect your hearing? Naomi Bowman will discuss the realities of sound in an online world, basic guidelines to take control of your audio environment and protect your hearing, what equipment and software you can purchase at reasonable cost to create your ideal setup, and how to work with clients and Language Service Companies to achieve better sound. This talk will provide specific, practical information to help conference interpreters achieve better audio working conditions while interpreting remotely from home.