[JITF2020] The Post-COVID-19 Investment Environment – What Are Investors Concerned about Now?

Katsura Nakayama
Freelance financial translator. Graduated from the Department of Economics, School of Political Science and Economics, Waseda University. Joined Merrill Lynch Japan Securities Co., Ltd. after graduating from university. Was in charge of sales of bonds, stocks, convertible bonds, credit and alternative instruments to institutional investors. Also engaged in purchasing non-performing assets of Japanese financial institutions. In 2001, she moved to Sony Bank, Ltd., where she engaged in investment management operations centered on credit-linked notes in a proprietary trading portfolio. Since 2006, she has been engaged in financial translation mainly for IR, accounting and investment. She is a CFA Society Certified Analyst and passed all courses for USCPA.
The Post-COVID-19 Investment Environment – What Are Investors Concerned about Now?
Stock prices have remained high in an exceptional situation where about 60% of Japanese companies are unable to forecast their financial results due to the COVID-19 crisis. What are investors thinking regarding the status of companies that cannot be surmised from the financial statements? I would like to take a bird’s eye view of investors and the financial market by taking up 10 topics that are likely to come up in IR meetings and questions from investors.