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Camille Ogawa

Name Camille Ogawa
Location Chiba
Language Japanese < = > French
Specialization Diplomacy, business, arts and culture, energy and environment, IT
About Me Trained in conference interpreting both in Paris at ISIT and in Tokyo at Simul Academy, I have now more 30 years of experience mainly on the Japanese market in the Japanese-French and English-French pairs, both onsite and online.

My experience covers both consecutive interpretation, usually for business negotiations, internal trainings or study tours in Japan, and simultaneous interpretation for congresses, general assemblies of federations, press conferences or other multilingual events.

I have worked for international institutions like UNESCO, UNPD, WCO or WHO, for Japanese and French/French speaking governments, both for bilateral diplomatic meetings and multilateral high-level summits like G7 and TICAD, as well as many ODA-related trainings organized by JICA for French-speaking African countries, and have accompanied Japanese high-ranking officials in public-private missions to Africa. I have been involved in national projects like the Youth Olympics in Singapore, EXPO 2005 AICHI, the Rugby World Cup 2019 in Japan and 2023 in France, the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and EXPO 2025 OSAKA.

References on the private market include French and Japanese F&B with brands like Pierre Hermé, IT and digital technology (Microsoft, Thales, etc.), marketing for French luxury brands like Chaumet, Louis Vuitton and Guerlain, or Japanese brands like Uniqlo or Suntory. I enjoyed following a long-term corporate research project, DNP Museum Lab, with the Musée du Louvre and BNF.

Other field of expertise include topics like aging population policies, disaster risk management, tangible and intangible heritage, education, kaizen, intellectual property, town planning and architecture, mining, environment and energy (including nuclear).

Apart from conference interpretation, I also offer translation services from Japanese/English into French, for business documentation, ppt presentations, corporate or institutional brochures, and official publications like art exhibition catalogues.

Language Proficiency
French: A / Japanese: B /English: B
Certified in 2024
Contact camille.ogawa@iapti.org