[JITF2020] Tips and Tricks of Literary Translation & Current Trends in Publication Translation

Toshiya Echizen
Literary translator. Translated works include: “Only Child,” “The President Is Missing,” “Origin,” “The Story,” “The Literature Book,” “The Lock Artist,” “The Tragedy of Y,” etc. His authored works include: “Honyaku Hyakkei (A Hundred Views of Translation),” “Bungei Honyaku Kyoshitsu (Literary Translation Classroom),” “Kono Eigo Yakusenai! (This English is Impossible to Translate!)” and “Nihonjin nara Kanarazu Goyaku suru Eibun – Ketteiban (English Phrases that Japanese will Certainly Mistranslate – Definitive Edition),” etc. He is one of the organizers of a nationwide translated mystery book club, a book fair on overseas literature for beginners and a detective story reading and essay writing contest, etc. He teaches the literary translation course at Asahi Culture Center (Shinjuku, Yokohama and Nakanoshima).
note: https://note.com/t_echizen
twitter: @t_echizen
Tips and Tricks of Literary Translation & Current Trends in Publication Translation
The talk is in 2 parts.
In the first half, I’ll talk about some technical issues to watch out for in literary translation. I will explain while looking at some English texts of 5 to 10 lines and their translations by a few of the class attendees. In the second half, I will talk about the recent circumstances of the publication translation industry, focusing on my own experience. It might be a bit graphic.